2016 Rincon Invitational

The 2016 Rincon Invitational is here!
The event schedule and info is below. Have fun and be safe in the line up!
Download The 2016 Event Schedule, Rules, and Guidelines Here
Rincon Surfing Association
Beach cleanups, volunteer hospitality during the Invitational, event support
Oxnard High School Surf Club
Volunteer and fundraising efforts to support local non-profit organizations
Sunset Cliffs Surfing Assoc.
Gromfest event and mentoring community youth; Fundraising for community organizations
Santa Barbara Surf Club
Beach surfing day and support for Autism Society; toy drives, Soldiers Family Day
Malibu Boardriders
Call to the Wall fundraiser for Day at the Beach for kids with special needs
Surfrider Advisory Board
Providing support and guidance to staff at surfing’s largest non-profit organization
Malibu Surfing Association
Fundraising for SURFAID International and Keep-A-Breast Foundation
Pacific Beach Surf Club
Beach cleanups; fundraising events for Surfers Healing
Best Day Foundation*
*Special Invitees in recognition of their events for children with special needs
Calif Adaptive Surf Team*
*Special Invitees in recognition of their support of surfers with adaptive physical challenges
Huntington Beach LB Crew
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
Vta. Middle School Surf League
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
Ventura Surf Club
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
Black Surfers Collective
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
Oceanside Longboard S.C.
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
San Diego Surf Ladies
Fundraising for Woyjeck Explorers for Life Assoc.; Surf City Marathon/Wheelchair Mission
Long Beach Surf Club
Stand Up for the Cure Breast Cancer Awareness; Day at the beach for Autistic youth
Surf Happens
Mentoring surfing youth; fundraising for local non-profits through Surf Happens Foundation
Project Save Our Surf
Water purification units for villages in El Salvador; numerous other public service efforts
Third World Surf Co.
Mentoring surfing youth; extraordinary support
for the Rincon Enhancement Project
Surfrider West LA/Malibu
Monthly beach cleanups; One Watershed Event beach day for underpriviledged youth
2016 Rincon Event Guidelines
The 2016 Rincon Invitational is a benefit event using a team surfing format in friendly competition. 21 teams have been invited, thanks to the gracious cooperation of California State Parks Carpinteria Rangers! We are guests… so Park Rules are in effect.
Parking is permitted between 6am and 9pm only!
Parking signs must be observed – vehicles must park in designated spaces.
DO NOT PARK in Red Zone or Double park behind other vehicles or on the Islands in the parking area.
No Alcohol – No Camping – No Camp Fires!
Dogs are not allowed on the beach and must be on a 6’ leash in the parking lot and trail – and never left unattended(of course!)
Please Pick Up trash – even if it’s not yours.
Please Respect the Neighbors.
Thank you!