Dr. Walter Munk Scholarship
In honor of a truly legendary man who was a very good friend to us for many years, the Groundswell Society has established the Dr. Walter Munk Scholarship to support a student intending to pursue a career in oceanography, meteorology, or marine biology.
To learn more about Dr. Munk’s amazing career go to https://scripps.ucsd.edu/news/obituary-notice-walter-munk-world-renowned-oceanographer-revered-scientist
Thanks to Dr. Munk, we were able to organize our Surfing Arts, Science, and Issues Conferences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for many years, and he came and spoke at our conference in 2013.
Here’s a photo of him with a replica of a Peruvian reed craft we presented to him as an expression of our gratitude. The portrait was made by Groundswell Society board member Cher Pendarvis, for a story that she authored with and about him, “Where the Swell Begins” published in The Surfers Journal Vol. 18 No. 6. The article was about his ground-breaking work concerned long distance swells that travel around the globe.
The Scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior nominated from the surfing clubs and organizations associated with the Groundswell Society and our annual Rincon Invitational Team Surfing Benefit Event, which raises funds for both the Sophia Bartlow Scholarship and the Olas Foundation Scholarship.
(Note: A Google account is required to submit your application)